Letters: Stand firm, Sir Jeffrey – last chance saloon for the DUP

Taoiseach Micheal Martin praised Rishi Sunak's approach over the protocolTaoiseach Micheal Martin praised Rishi Sunak's approach over the protocol
Taoiseach Micheal Martin praised Rishi Sunak's approach over the protocol
A letter from Harry Patterson

Micheal Martin has praised Rishi Sunak’s ‘pragmatic’ approach to the ongoing talks on the Northern Ireland protocol (‘Martin praises Sunak’s approach over ​​​​protocol’, Saturday, November 12).

This comment along with the constant drip feed of ‘a deal is near’ and a ‘safe landing zone’ will confirm that the UK has no intention of doing anything to remove the protocol and the border between NI and the rest of the UK.

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A deal is no doubt near if not done already and when it is announced to all it will be given the hard sell to unionism as this is the best you’re gonna get so suck it up and get back into Stormont sharpish.

Alliance, SF, SDLP, the Greens etc will grumble a bit about it to add to the impression that unionists should accept it but by and large will go along with it.

The sea border will remain, EU courts and law will still be here - all of these advance their cause of weakening NI’s link to the rest of the UK.

We don’t need a Prime Minister who is praised as being pragmatic by Eire - we need a PM with resolve and determination. Determination to ensure that ALL parts of the UK are treated the same and we are not sacrificed to avoid upsetting Europe, the Irish and Republicans.

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Sadly all the signs are showing once again that this part of the UK is expendable and not for the first time.

Westminster has form - Churchill offered Ulster up to DeValera if Ireland joined the allies in WW2. DeValera had the wit to refuse his kind offer.

Huge pressure will be brought to bear on the DUP in the coming weeks and months, some of which will come from so-called fellow unionists.

I don’t believe that joint authority is not an option - it will be called something else and used to threaten DUP and the rest of us to buckle.

Time to stand firm Sir Jeffrey, if you don’t, who knows what will happen? One thing is sure the DUP will be finished - this is their last chance saloon.

Harry Patterson, Castlecaulfield